
Podcast Recommendations

Our curated list of podcasts feature insightful discussions from well respected practitioners. Tune in to gain valuable knowledge, critical tools and wisdom from those who have walked this road before you.

Modern laptop and microphone on tripod placed near wicker chair in modern studio before recording podcast

Book Suggestions

Explore our carefully selected book suggestions designed specifically for betrayed partners seeking solace and guidance through their healing journey. These insightful recommendations offer a safe space to articulate complex emotions, validate your experiences, and navigate the delicate path towards healing. Each book serves as a companion, providing words that resonate with your pain and offering practical support to help you move forward with strength and resilience. Embark on a transformative literary experience that empowers you to heal, grow, and find peace in the aftermath of betrayal.

Two open books

Online Support Groups

Join safe, moderated online groups to share experiences, gain support, and learn coping strategies.

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